11:15 AM – 12:15 PM
Planning and Positioning Your Business for the Future – Creating an Asset that Can Be Sold, Acquired or Passed on Within Your Family || Meeting Room 201 A-B
This session will inspire you to take action to start running your business so it could ready to be sold at any point. It will also challenge you to empower others around you so your team could carry on a strong business without you at the helm.
How the Limo Industry is Disrupting the Traditional Motorcoach Business: Selling an Experience to Attract New Customers and New Business || Meeting Room 207 A-B
We have the privilege to take people special places and give our customers memories that will last them forever. Learn how to harness this with crafted experience for your customers so their trip and service is unforgettable. Your customers will become the best promoters for your company. This is something Limo Businesses thrive at.
Small Fleet Operator Session 1 || Meeting Room 207 C-D
What’s Your Policy Regarding Policy? –Adoption of policies can be poorly reasoned and forgotten – until the worst happens and the plaintiff’s attorney is knocking on your door. Learn the best ways to develop and manage policies.
New Driver Training Requirements – For 20 years, Congress mandated FMCSA to establish a driver training curriculum, to no avail. Finally, A Negotiated Rulemaking Committee quickly developed the long-awaited Entry Level Driver Training curriculum. Integration and meeting requirements will be tricky, but the curriculum sets basic standards for what a driver is expected to know.
Drug & Alcohol Clearinghouse – Use of and mandatory participation in the Drug & Alcohol Clearinghouse is effective Jan. 6 and promises to eliminate illicit drug users that stay away from CMV driving long enough to test clean and then apply for that opening you need to fill. This tool closes the gap.
2:00 PM -3:00 PM
How to Manage the Business When YOU ARE the Business || Meeting Room 201 A-B
Managing all the hats an owner operator wears to run a successful business is no easy feat. Small business owners do so much. Hear from fellow operators on how they prioritize their responsibilities to get the job done.
Capturing Your True Cost || Meeting Room 202 A-C
Walk through ALL the expenses that your business is incurring from insurance to fuel and break them down so you can see what you are really making.
Crisis Plan Workshop || Meeting Room 205 A
Learn from industry experts on what a good crisis plan should include. The goal of this workshop is to walk away with a draft crisis plan outline for your company.
The Bridge to Autonomous Vehicles / Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) || Meeting Room 207 A-B
The Society of Automotive Engineers has defined 5 levels of automation starting with simple driver assistance all the way up to full automation. While we are years away from full automation, partial automation is here. Hear industry experts discuss the automation that is happening today and their forecast for the future.
Small Fleet Operator Session 2 || Meeting Room 207 C-D
Rest Management – It’s the call you never want; it’s 3:00 am and one of your coaches has turned over in a single-vehicle crash. All indications point to the driver falling asleep. This session will address both the art and the science of managing safety-sensitive human resources in a manner that mitigates sleepiness and sleep deprivation.
The Driver You Know – We hope our drivers always present themselves as skilled professionals, but there are times when it absolutely matters; vehicle/driver inspections, the aftermath of a crash, or a passenger problem are instances where drivers need training so they conduct themselves in a manner that best represents your company.
Excise Tax Exemptions – You’ve heard about fuel-tax refunds or the excise tax exemptions, but your accountant cannot find it in the tax-code. This session covers where to find the specific references and forms. Many carriers are surprised to find out they may have three years of refunds just waiting to be claimed.
3:15 PM -4:15 PM
Recruiting, Developing and Retaining Supervisory and Management Personnel || Meeting Room 201 A-B
How are companies like yours finding top new talent and keeping them?
Modern Recruiting in a Driver Shortage || Meeting Room 202 A-C
Learn how to best position yourself so you can thrive in today’s driver shortage environment by creating a better applicant experience, providing impactful human interactions, and utilizing simple, modern technology to support your efforts.
Sharing New Technologies to Help Your Sales and Marketing Team || Meeting Room 205 A-C
Discover some cost-effective tools that make your job easier and help produce stronger marketing and sales campaigns.
Managing and Motivating Employees Today || Meeting Room 207 A-B
Employees are one of your company’s greatest assets so figuring out their maximum return on investment is a wise choice.
Small Fleet Operator Session 3 || Meeting room 207 C-D
What really matters? – Email alerts and newsletters from national, state and regional associations barrage your inbox with warnings of doomsday legislation and untenable regulations. You don’t have time for all of it, but our industry’s highly regulated and knowledge is power. This session offers help via a discussion of how and where to invest your time to stay informed.
Managing revenue and cost right down to profits – You’re a small fleet operator with myriad responsibilities and it feels like you’re are always running behind; too little time and revenue. This popular revised session (How Much Should I be Charging?) covers a simple method of capturing your operational cost, revenue timing and improving your financial outlook.
8:45-9:45 AM
Managing and Meeting Your Customers Expectations || Meeting room 201 A-B
Learn how to be successful in communicating with your customers so you deliver exactly what they expect. Also learn how to set up a system to take failures and turn them into a learning tool to improve.
The Difference Between Managing and Leadership || Meeting Room 202 A-C
We manage tasks and projects and should be leading people not managing them. This session will discuss the differences in detail and provide insight on how be effective doing both.
The Impact of ELDs on Your Business – Tips You Can Use || Meeting Room 205 A-C
Now that they have been in place for about a year what issues with ELDs are you encountering with your business and on the flip side what new advantages have you discovered. Hear from some fellow operators and ask questions on how they are managing issues that pop up from how they manage their cleaning crew moving buses in the yard to policies on personal conveyance but also are they using driver score cards to their advantage and more.
The Future of Emission Standards || Meeting Room 207 A-B
Learn where the industry is going on emissions standards. And discuss some constructive tips on managing your fleet’s regeneration process from veteran operators.
2:30 PM – 3:30 pm
Managing Regen || Meeting Room 208 A-B
Forced regeneration on the road is extremely aggravating to say the least. Learn about some preventative maintenance that can help reduce downtime. Learn some driver training tips as well. This affects all bus passenger transportation companies from charter, school bus, shuttles to transit. Hear how some operators are managing their fleet to prevent interruption in their business.